Friday, May 29, 2009


So, this is a house we might be interested in purchasing. We need to actually see the inside of the model home. Can you imagine me living in a gated community?

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Go Queef Yourself

I am a member of the Human Relations Council at work; actually the Secretary. The council works hand in hand with the Civil Rights Officer and the Employee Assistance. What we mostly do is place posters and have some sort of event with different awareness. Like May is Asian Pacific Islander Month... So, basically, you would think that people who are a part of the council would have more sensitivity towards everyone's human rights and stuff
Well, one of the members is a co-worker... He is of Hispanic heritage, I only give this information because I have found certain cultures still view women as frail.
so, anywho...
We have bottled water and those who use it pay a monthly fee and we alternate weeks on responsibility of filling the bottles. They are 5 gallon bottles. This is my week. He seems to think I should not have to do it. I don't know if it is because I am a woman. I don't think he cared that the other woman filled them up last week. Or maybe because I am a civilian. Or maybe because I had the baby 10 weeks ago. The doctor ok'd me to resume all activities. I feel like he should know better being on the council about treating everyone equally. I told him, I don't ask people to do things for which I have not attempted to do.
That is enough ranting about that

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Are you achin'?

The Wetting Down was pretty good. There was quite a lot of people. And a few other babies, so I did not feel too bad. Lily got held the most though. I guess everyone loves holding a new baby. My supervisor's wife even offered to baby sit for us since it turns out, we live maybe 2 miles away from each other.

Lily has not been pooping as often as she used to. According to all the books, it is normal to go a day or two without going. Well, she seemed to be in a lot of discomfort and hardly got any sleep on Monday... ok, I hardly got any sleep. Her baby sitter had some Fleet's for children. We inserted it and out came the explosion. I am sure she felt so much better

Yesterday, Rob made one of my favorite dishes. We tweak it a little bit. Instead of using the Sweet Italian sausage, we use the Jimmy Dean Maple sausauge and add a bit of brown sugar. It usually makes a lot, so I have the left overs for lunch the following day. It is also one of the few dishes I will have as a leftover.

Today, I went to the Rheumatologist for a routine appointment. I only had to have 2 tubes filled today instead of the normal 4 or 5. I brought Lily with me since it was a bit inconvenient to drive all the way to her sitter's and then back track to the hospital. In addition, I did not have a place to pump, so I just nursed her. The hospital has a special room for breastfeeding mothers. It is very nice.

So, I pre-ordered some new catalogues. I have to send one down to Florida to Judy along with some samples of paper and ink. Liz said she is starting do those kind of crafts and we should introduce her to the better quality products. who knows, if she likes it, she can find a demonstrator in her area or become one and get the discount for herself.

I have a stamping activity set for 13 June. We are going to make a card and a matching scrapbook page. If it is successful, I will try to have montly meetings.

Friday, May 22, 2009


Well, it is Friday leading into a 3 day weekend. Gotta love that. We are having a retirment ceremony today, so we might get early liberty because of the retirement and the holiday weekend. Tomorrow, Liz and I are going to a wetting down. Two of the senior chiefs are making warrant. I am making my potato salad. Rob is going to see Terminator.

I guess Lily is sleeping longer at night. Tonight, we are going to transition her to her cradle. She has been co-sleeping with us for her whole life (9 weeks). Once she does well in her cradle, we will put her in her room in her crib. I know I will still have to get up around midnight and 5 to feed her, but that is better than every 2.5 to 3 hours.

I am thinking about putting a craft club together and maybe selling some stuff through the Stampin' Up catalogue. Either borrow the library space or rent the crop room from the local craft store. I think it would be fun and I get to be out of the house for a few hours.

Thursday, May 21, 2009


This is my first entry to blogging on this site

I usually blog on LJ, but I can't access that site at work and that is when I have my silly thoughts and plus it is hard to try to blog while breastfeeding

Here is a picture of my precious