Thursday, May 28, 2009

Go Queef Yourself

I am a member of the Human Relations Council at work; actually the Secretary. The council works hand in hand with the Civil Rights Officer and the Employee Assistance. What we mostly do is place posters and have some sort of event with different awareness. Like May is Asian Pacific Islander Month... So, basically, you would think that people who are a part of the council would have more sensitivity towards everyone's human rights and stuff
Well, one of the members is a co-worker... He is of Hispanic heritage, I only give this information because I have found certain cultures still view women as frail.
so, anywho...
We have bottled water and those who use it pay a monthly fee and we alternate weeks on responsibility of filling the bottles. They are 5 gallon bottles. This is my week. He seems to think I should not have to do it. I don't know if it is because I am a woman. I don't think he cared that the other woman filled them up last week. Or maybe because I am a civilian. Or maybe because I had the baby 10 weeks ago. The doctor ok'd me to resume all activities. I feel like he should know better being on the council about treating everyone equally. I told him, I don't ask people to do things for which I have not attempted to do.
That is enough ranting about that

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