Friday, May 22, 2009


Well, it is Friday leading into a 3 day weekend. Gotta love that. We are having a retirment ceremony today, so we might get early liberty because of the retirement and the holiday weekend. Tomorrow, Liz and I are going to a wetting down. Two of the senior chiefs are making warrant. I am making my potato salad. Rob is going to see Terminator.

I guess Lily is sleeping longer at night. Tonight, we are going to transition her to her cradle. She has been co-sleeping with us for her whole life (9 weeks). Once she does well in her cradle, we will put her in her room in her crib. I know I will still have to get up around midnight and 5 to feed her, but that is better than every 2.5 to 3 hours.

I am thinking about putting a craft club together and maybe selling some stuff through the Stampin' Up catalogue. Either borrow the library space or rent the crop room from the local craft store. I think it would be fun and I get to be out of the house for a few hours.

1 comment:

Elizabeth said...

you drive so I can have a cocktail! woohoo party!