Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Apples and Oranges

So far the summer is going well. I guess this week was the last week for the summer reading program! I thought summer went until September, oh well. We put raffle tickets in all the box for DD. Hopefully, she will win something. If not, she has been having fun going to the library for the activities and checking out books and reading!
I sent off her application and registration check for preschool. She will be attending twice a week for about 2 hours. The school follows a Montesorri format. I also registered her for dance class which also follows a preschool curriculum. She will go one day a week. The library will also have story time for her age group every other week. I want to try to keep her busy. I took her to the doctor to get her medical paperwork signed. She is in the 90th percentile for both height and weight.
I just need to find something for DS. Our library is not having the infant program until January, so we may check out another library and hope the time is compatible with DD's schedule.
We've made a friend. She has a little girl. We've done a few things with her. It's nice finally getting to do stuff with people.
We checked out a cool store called RG Natural Babies that has tons of cloth diapers. It's nice to have a brick and mortar store. This store also has various carriers too. I may do a comparison between the Beco Gemini (which I have) with the baby K'tan, baby hawk, and the ergo. I like that the ergo has a hood and a pocket.
I also got an amber teething necklace for DS.

It's funny how much my DD reminds me of both my brother and sister. She has this squinty thing she does with her eye and that is something that my brother and older nephew did. And then she can give the evil eye, the one my sister gave to people whenever they asked if we were sisters, LOL
I wish we had old photos of DH and his siblings to compare the kids to.

1 comment:

Lazy Bone said...
